Sunday, 27 April 2008

Sky.Com: Coments - Boris is not a Buffoon

Boris is a very successful politician. I would like to see any of the critics who claim that he is a bufoon or an incompetent work with the same tireless ambition that he has demonstrated over the last few years. Not only was he an MP (by no means an easy job) but he was also a member of the shadow cabinet. Whatever you think of the conservatives they are not in the habit of promoting people with no intelligence. During that time he was also editor of the Spectator. So he effectively held down two very high powered jobs simultaneously. I challenge anyone to attempt and achieve that and still call him a buffoon.And Boris has been out on the campaign trail for weeks now, doing interviews, blogging, meeting the public and holding 2 or 3 hustings a day. Again this takes not only dedication but also great intelligence.It is time for change. Let's get rid of Ken's croneyism. Let's get rid of Labour's incompetence. Back Boris on Thursday!

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